Saturday, October 29, 2011

Not bad for a network news report.

Fortunately facts are still indisputable.. I think.


Not a fan of Leno, but I'll make an exception:

An article on how Obama's hands are pretty much tied:

..and finally, after doing everything that he could, with the mess he inherited, and the counterproductive GOP, he asks for help from the PEOPLE!!

Now come on PEOPLE! Let's help our President help us! Contact your representatives here (Flordia):

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Corporate greed happening today. You can make a difference.

Read this:

Watch this:

Join this:

Then share this website.

Grayson's the man!

Grayson seems to be better informed then 99% of our government. (pun intended.)

End the (fucking) FED.

Nuff said.